inner work
I guide you to the inner riches that are within you and offer tools and insight to cultivate them through the days of your life.
I have worked with people in all different times of their life: desiring to come into their voice, let go of family history, step into a vital relationship, coming out of anxiety etc..
Through 20 years of working with people I can say there are common denominators of what ails us and what heals us, and it does not matter the age.
One is the true desire to not be fooled by your "self" any longer. This in turn leads you to learning to heal and honestly befriend yourself. The next step is owning the power of your own embodiment and self expression here on earth.
Personally, I feel deeply we need more beings embodied and in their natural power, this is why I do this work and am continually inspired by peoples' courage to look within and become free.
Real Change happens within us ..not outside of us...however, if we truly change within, the outside changes" inshallah.
I give heartfelt thanks to the deep sufi teachings and teachers that have guided me and my work for so many years.